Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Before Run
Let me be quite clear: I have been a swimmer for many, many years. I swam competitively in high school, and as my exercise in college (a shoulder injury prevented me from continuing to compete). I was never afraid of the water, regardless of whether it was a pool, ocean or lake; I could be in it all day. That being said, I do not enjoy running. One might say I even hate it.

Why? You might ask (or maybe not. Maybe you don’t care).

Several reasons justify my hatred.

1. I do not like to sweat. Really, who does? But some find it somewhat satisfying, as if to say to themselves, “Yes, I’m sweating, but that means I did something!” I am not one of those people.

2. While I’m not a large girl by any means, I was unluckily (according to me, not to the male species) endowed with a large chestal region. I’m talking two sports bras to prevent extra bounce-age. This makes running ever so uncomfortable. 

3. Two years ago, I fell down a flight of stairs and broke my ankle. I went to Physical Therapy but there have been a few things I have not been able to do with the same proficiency since. Running is one of them.

4. I look like a basset hound when I run.  It was a long standing joke when I was younger that I looked like an absolute imbecile when I run. Head and chin (which is pointy enough) jutting out forward, arms awkwardly flopping about. It’s enough to make me embarrassed just thinking about it.

So, why am I?

It’s far easier to just put on a pair of shoes, grab your MP3 and run around the neighborhood than it is to get into my lap suits, prepare a pool bag and drive in the car to some YMCA or indoor aquatic location. I also have a least an hour commute to and from work, so the less travel time, the better.

 If I had a 25 meter pool in my backyard that was deep enough for me to do flip turns, then I wouldn’t be writing this. But, alas, I don’t. I need to get the husband on that. I could liken it to that of a kid who wants a puppy: “Please, I promise I’ll take care of it! I’ll vacuum it, and check the chemicals every hour, and backwash it and cover in the winter and drain it in the spring! I prooooomiiiiiise!” Not going to happen anytime soon.

It’s not that I haven’t tried. Friends of mine in college started going running together, and I decided to join them. I stupidly said, “Well, I was a long distance swimmer, so I bet running will be easy for me.” FAT CHANCE.  They must have laughed when I was bent over, heaving after 500 yards (if that). Fortunately, being my friends, they didn’t say anything, but they didn’t wait for me either. It did get easier for me as the weeks went on, but I didn’t enjoy it. 

 I need a way to exercise that will actually improve my body. I am 5’4, and if I drink a glass of water, I look bloated. So, I am going to start. My husband and I plan on this year embarking on starting a family, and if I gain 30+ pounds from the weight I am now, I can only imagine how hard it will be for me to lose that weight once the baby comes. My ultimate goal would be to run in a half marathon, potentially, the Disney Princess Half Marathon. If Disney isn’t a good motivator, what is? I’ll be thinking of that as I run.

After Run

People that say they love to run should be slapped. My chest is ON FIRE. Is this what a heart attack feels like? 
Granted, it is only 40 degrees outside (a relatively warm day for western Maryland in January), so I expected it to be a bit bracing.

All I could think of, aside from wondering how far into the street I could run without the risk of potentially getting run over, was Gimli from Lord of the Rings in the Two Towers: “Just keep breathing. That’s the key. Breathe.” That little fat dwarf has a point. 

I only ran for about 15 minutes, but I’m a beginner right? That’s perfectly acceptable, right?

Maybe I should’ve stretched. Maybe then my legs wouldn’t feel like they’re on fire. I stretch every time I swim, why not every time I run? Hmm. Didn’t think of that.

I could swim for an hour, stopping every 15-20 minutes to take a real breath, then go right back at it. Why isn’t running the same? Ughhh.

My music keeps me in a good rhythm, but I do think I look like an idiot swaying back and forth.

I’ll try again tomorrow...

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